As in 1st grade, the 2nd Grade Language Arts program includes reading, writing, grammar, word study, and phonics. Teachers use a structured literacy approach to teach reading based on the Science of Reading, which demonstrates that both word recognition and language comprehension are required for skilled reading. Students learn decoding skills in explicit, sequenced small group lessons. They also engage in lessons about comprehension skills and have ample fluency practice. In 2nd grade, many students transition from learning to read to reading to learn, and the nonfiction units on animals and habitats are a hallmark of the 2nd grade experience.
2nd grade writing is taught using a workshop model, which moves students through a writing process of brainstorming, planning, writing, revising, editing, and publishing. Emphasis is placed on building independence to move between each step of the process. Teachers support students’ individual growth by conferring with students and identifying areas for mini-lessons that are tailored to the needs of each class. Throughout the year, students write fictional stories, nonfiction reports, and personal narratives. Using a multi-sensory approach to learning grammar, students study the parts of speech by connecting each to a color. This helps students learn typical patterns in sentences, so they can eventually compose original sentences of varying lengths and complexities based on the color patterns they learn. Our scientific spelling lessons teach reliable patterns and rules of the English language so that students can learn to think more independently about how to spell words that are less familiar.