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2nd Grade

2nd grade students build upon their learning habits and foundational skills from 1st grade. To gain collaboration and cooperation skills, students enjoy working in groups or with partners.

2nd grade students work to:

  • develop executive functioning skills such as organization, attention, perseverance, and time-management; 
  • practice critical thinking skills such as analyzing, organizing, evaluating, and implementing problem-solving strategies; and 
  • make choices about where to work, how to practice skills, and which activities they want to complete. 

2nd Grade Curriculum

In 2nd Grade at St. Mark's, Students Practice:

boys smile in the hallway

The Power to Make Choices

lower school girl studies a Famous American

Ownership of their learning

lower school boy works at his desk

A safe space to build upon foundational skills

Lower school girls smile in the hallway

Practice growing in collaboration and responsibility

Meet the 2nd Grade Team

Margaret Alvarez

Margaret Alvarez

Titles: Art Teacher, Kindergarten through 8th Grade
Dewayne Bowden

Dewayne Bowden

Titles: Lower School Physical Education Teacher, Lower School Athletics Coordinator
Sara Brannon

Sara Brannon

Titles: Lower School Music Teacher, Choral Director
Victoria Flores

Victoria Flores

Titles: 2nd Grade Teaching Assistant
Lauren Khalaf

Lauren Khalaf

Titles: 2nd Grade Teacher
Laurie Mitchell

Laurie Mitchell

Titles: Librarian
Jennifer Thelander

Jennifer Thelander

Titles: Technology Teacher
Kristin Uptmor

Kristin Uptmor

Titles: Primary School and Lower School Librarian; Primary School Technology Teacher