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Explorers & Seekers

The Explorers program is for our youngest students, 18 month olds to younger two-year-olds. To join us in this classroom, students are required to be 18 months old by August 1. Our teachers work with these students on developing independence and socialization, building self-control and instilling a love of learning.

Explorers students experience:

  • play-based learning as we introduce them to life at school,
  • open-ended learning activities guided by nurturing, experienced teachers of young children,
  • activities designed to “grow” age-appropriate skills through self-selected experiences and teacher guided activities, and
  • the joy of hands-on, active learning projects.

The Seekers program is for students who are “older” two year olds. To join us in this classroom, students are required to be 2 years old by August 1. Our teachers work with these students to instill a love of learning and the joy of discovery.

Seekers students experience:

  • open-ended learning activities guided by nurturing, experienced teachers of young children,
  • scaffolded activities designed to foster individual development and age-appropriate skills through self-selected experiences and materials as well as  teacher guided activities, and
  • active learning projects that further each child’s development through independence, socialization, self-regulation, and foundational skill development.

Explorers & Seekers Curriculum

Explorers participate in a modified version of Spanish, Religion, Music and Library classes. They will attend PE class weekly to practice and develop gross motor skills. Seekers participate in Spanish, Library, Religion, Music, and Movement. 

In the fall, our Explorers and Seekers will join older students in attending Primary School Chapel.

In Explorers & Seekers at St. Mark's, Students Practice:

Young girl plants a seed

Gaining Increasing Independence

Primary School Boy Creates Art

Doing Simple Projects, and Beginning to Learn How Things Work and Solving Simple Problems

Primary school girl smiles on the playground

Having an Explosion of Vocabulary from a Few Words to Simple Sentences

Primary School Boy Paints

Benefiting from Steady Routines and Having Small Jobs

Primary School boy wears a hard hat

Participating in Pretend Play

Primary School kids make a silly face

Beginning to Identify and Express their Feelings

Primary School Girl Climbs through a Tube

Developing Physical Coordination and Agility

Meet the Explorers & Seekers Team

Tricia Craft

Tricia Craft

Explorers Teacher
Maria Lomonaco

Maria Lomonaco

Primary School and Lower School Spanish Teacher
Alyssa Longoria

Alyssa Longoria

Primary School Music Teacher
Claire McCullough

Claire McCullough

Seekers Teaching Assistant
Susan Meeks

Susan Meeks

Seekers Teacher
Cecy Pacheco

Cecy Pacheco

Explorers Teaching Assistant
Jillian Robbins

Jillian Robbins

Primary School Physical Education Teacher
Kristin Uptmor

Kristin Uptmor

Primary School and Lower School Librarian; Primary School Technology Teacher