Meaningful language experiences with read-alouds and writing activities in a print-rich environment foster emergent literacy in the Pre-K classrooms. Pre-K teachers use the storytelling format based upon the Rice School Literacy Project to help students create and enact their own stories. Phonemic awareness in these classrooms include rhyming, letter recognition, initial consonant sounds, writing through labeling and emergent skill activities, and story dictation. Teachers emphasize learning to listen, verbalizing needs and wants, and responding appropriately. Handwriting begins formally during this year with Handwriting Without Tears. This handwriting readiness program suits Pre-K students’ developmental needs and abilities, focusing on efficient grip and letter formation.
Curious, creative and enthusiastic learning drives our students in prekindergarten to embrace focused primary school learning experiences. Thematic studies are designed to immerse children in the study of science and social studies topics such as family and community, fall harvest, holiday traditions, owls, China, Japan, insects, and more.
Our pre-K students experience:
- open-ended center play and intentionally planned activities, designed to foster cognitive development;
- the exploration of emergent reading, math, and science concepts; and
- the strengthening of fine motor skills and continued development of social and emotional skills.
Pre-K Curriculum
- Reading and Writing
- Math
- Learning Centers
- Outdoor Play
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Enrichment Classes
- Age
Reading and Writing
Learning Centers
Outdoor Play
Social-Emotional Learning
Enrichment Classes
Explorers participate in a modified version of Spanish, Religion, Music and Library classes. They will attend PE class weekly to practice and develop gross motor skills. Seekers participate in Spanish, Library, Religion, Music, and Movement.
In the fall, our Explorers and Seekers will join older students in attending Primary School Chapel.
Meet the Pre-K Team
Maria Lomonaco
Primary School and Lower School Spanish Teacher
Alyssa Longoria
Primary School Music Teacher
Martha Mayfield
Pre-K Teacher
Kristi Nowell
Primary School Floating Assistant Teacher
Gabriela Olivero
Pre-K Teacher
Jillian Robbins
Primary School Physical Education Teacher
Amy Tichacek
Pre-K Teaching Assistant
Kristin Uptmor
Primary School and Lower School Librarian; Primary School Technology Teacher