Thank you to all our alumni who came back to visit at the After School Social and Senior Send Off! It was great seeing you!
We love our St. Mark's Alumni! Whether you are in high school, college, or beyond, we would love to hear from you.
We are excited to welcome our alumni back to campus through a variety of events, visits, and get-togethers.
In October, our alumni are invited to join us for Scarborough Fair! Alumni can attend the event or sign up to volunteer and earn service hours!
Each fall, we hold our annual High School Round Table, when we invite high school aged alumni to campus to help provide insight into the high school experience for our 8th graders. This event gives our 8th graders the opportunity to deepen their understanding of choices for the next steps in their educational journey.
Each May, we hold our annual Senior Send Off Lunch for St. Mark's seniors who are graduating from high school and our After School Social for high school aged alumni.
Are you on LinkedIn? We have a group to connect St. Mark’s alumni!
Staying in Touch