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Annual Fund

Lower School boy works on a project in class

What is the Annual Fund?

The Annual Fund is by far the most important fundraising effort at St. Mark’s each year, and gifts at any level demonstrate our community’s commitment to our school’s mission. “Every family, every gift, matters” is the motto of the St. Mark’s Annual Fund. Simply put, we ask you to make a donation to enhance the school’s budget beyond your tuition dollars. There is strength in numbers and 100% participation from our families is key to the annual fund’s success. Annual fund dollars are used for program improvements in technology, curriculum, professional development, facilities, and more. Your donation will allow St. Mark’s to provide the best environment for our children.  

Can we count on you?

2024-2025 Annual Fund Leadership

Meet Dwan and Anthony Thomas, Our Annual Fund Chairs

"Each year, we give to the Annual Fund to help ensure that St. Mark's students are given opportunities to learn, have fun, and venture beyond the classroom necessities."

"Every donation matters and further contributes to the sense of belonging and community at St. Mark's. It truly does take a village of givers, leaders, protectors, innovators, and doers to foster these tremendous young minds."

Dwan and Anthony Thomas with their children, Annual Fund Chairs at Montgomery School

Annual Fund Committee Members

Explorers and Seekers, Class of 2036 
Meredith and Zachary Winegrad

Preschool 3s, Class of 2035
Julie Huynh-Lu and Chris Wan

Pre-K, Class of 2034
Adele and Erin Henry

Kindergarten, Class of 2033
Katherine and Jeff Chalkley

1st Grade, Class of 2032
Kerelle Lewis and Gary Dennis

2nd Grade, Class of 2031
Maggie and Travis Markham

3rd Grade, Class of 2030
Brenda and Stephen Cooper, '96

4th Grade, Class of 2029
Bevin and Michael Barrett

5th Grade, Class of 2028
Laura and Hugo Cordova

6th Grade, Class of 2027
Molly and David Tipps

7th Grade, Class of 2026
Deb and Roy Cottrell

8th Grade, Class of 2025
Kelly and Damian Burke

Legacy Society* $25,000+
Society of St. Mark's* $10,000-$24,999
Circle of Excellence* $5,000-$9,999
Founder's Circle* $3,000-$4,999
Head's Council* $2,000-$2,999
President's List $1,000-$1,999
Dean's List $250-$999
Honor Roll Gifts up to $249

*Leadership Circle Levels

The Leadership Circle

The Leadership Circle recognizes families who contribute $2,000 or more to the Annual Fund. Donations at these levels are essential to the Annual Fund’s success and make a significant difference in the life of the St. Mark’s. Leadership donors are invited to a special reception later in the year.

Leadership Circle Logo

Contact Us

We look forward to answering your Annual Fund questions.
Ayesha Spooner

Ayesha Spooner

Director of Advancement