New Year Prep
Welcome to St. Mark's!
Thank you for being a part of the St. Mark’s community for the 2024-2025 school year! Whether you are new to Houston, new to independent school life, or returning to St. Mark's, we want to help you get ready for the new school year. See the information below as your family prepares for your child's first day of school in August.
Mark Your Calendar
Thursday, August 1: Required School Forms Due
Thursday, August 1: Health & Medical Forms Due
Saturday, August 3: Used Uniform Sale, 10:00 AM to Noon
Monday and Tuesday, August 19 & 20: Orientation and Conferences
Wednesday, August 21: First Day of School
Completing Your To-Do List
Preparing for the First Day of School
Have Questions? Reach Out!

Garhett Wagers
Head of School
Middle School, Leadership

Roma Coleman
Director of Athletics
Leadership, Athletics

Lisa Dods
Head of Primary School, Explorers and Seekers - Kindergarten
Leadership, Primary School

Eve Grubb
Director of Operations

Juli Rush
Director of Extended Programs and Liaison to Fine Arts

Ayesha Spooner
Director of Advancement

Caity Taylor
Head of Middle School
Middle School, Leadership

Heather Williams
Head of Lower School, 1st - 4th Grades
Lower School, Leadership